The story of a boy, a girl, and a universe

Star Wars - Original Theatrical Trailer

" Most Citizens of the Star Wars Galaxy are Probably Totally Illiterate "

Curious article by Ryan Britt

- Not once in any Star Wars movie does someone pick up a book or newspaper, magazine, literary journal, or chapbook handmade by an aspiring Jawa poet. If something is read by someone in Star Wars, it’s almost certainly off of a screen (and even then, maybe being translated by a droid), and it’s definitely not for entertainment purposes. As early as the 1990s-era expanded Star Wars books and comic books, we’re introduced to ancient Jedi “texts” called holocrons, which are basically talking holographic video recordings. Just how long has the Star Wars universe been reliant on fancy technology to transfer information as opposed to the written word? Is it possible that a good number of people in Star Wars are completely illiterate?

How The Empire Strikes Back Should Have Ended

Star Wars 1313 Official Cinematic Trailer [HD]

For Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 only

Star Wars ep. IV A NEW HOPE 1977 vs 1997 vs 2004

Bobba Fett: The Movie

Boba Fett: The Movie

Illustration by Duke Dastardly

Millenium Falcon Wedding Cake #WIN

I want this in my wedding !!!

Happy Fathers Day !!!!!

Millenium Falcon blueprint

The Dark Lens

Photos by Cédric Delsaux.

The Dark Lens, a hardcover book featuring dozens more photos of Star Wars characters wandering Earthine landscapes

Happy Birthday A New Hoppe !!!

35 years ago today, Star Wars - A New Hope was released in theaters for the first time.

May The 4th Be With You

Happy Star Wars Day!

Yummy Star Wars !!!

Sad news: RIP Ralph McQuarrie

June 13, 1929 - March 3, 2012

Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer for the original Star Wars Trilogy has passed away today at his home at the age of 82.

Sad news. He shaped our childhood, that’s for certain.

Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side

" As various Sith Lords rose to power, they recorded their thoughts and plans to take control of the galaxy. Over the years, these writings were passed among numerous Sith and Jedi. In his quest for domination, Darth Sidious recovered what remained of five pivotal Sith texts. He then wrote a sixth text—his own manifesto. Together, these documents, along with several Sith artifacts, create the Book of Sith. "